Petition to HM Queen Elizabeth II - embryo bill

Petition to HM Queen Elizabeth II on the Embryology Bill
We've just received the following petition to HM Queen Elizabeth II appealing to her not to give the Royal Assent to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. The petition was started by Burma campaigner James Mawdsley. The text of his petition follows below. To add your signature scroll down to the link at the end.
The petition
Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA
21st May 2008
Your Majesty,
For the defence of your most vulnerable subjects, for the future of the Realm, can I beg Your Majesty not to give Royal Assent to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill.
By legalising animal-human hybrids, the Bill disregards the distinction between man and other animals. In this it denies our immortal soul.
By legalising the creation of saviour siblings, the Bill proclaims that man and science can deliver us from suffering even by violating fundamental ethical norms such as no person is to be used (or created) as a means to somebody else's end.
By allowing the creation of fatherless children the Bill enshrines an extreme rejection of the Father. Fatherhood is intrinsic to life, encoded in the deepest reality not only of creation but first of the uncreated Trinity.
By resisting all attempts to lower the upper limit for abortions from 24 weeks the Bill proves itself to be against God's own gift to us: life itself.
Your Majesty is the only person in the world with the temporal power to prevent this Bill from becoming an Act. Please help us.
Fr Aidan Nichols, OP, wrote of your Coronation: "Taking the orb, surmounted by the cross, [the Queen] was reminded that "the whole world is subject to the power and empire of Christ our Redeemer;The sceptre, the supreme symbol of royal power, the ensign of kingly power and justice, was handed over simultaneously with the dove-headed rod, as a sign that justice and mercy are never to be put asunder.""
In this Fr Nichols gives your subjects tremendous hope that whenever Parliament fails grievously, our monarch may protect us from evil. Please defend us.
Yours most sincerely,
James Mawdsley and The Undersigned
By courtesy and reproduction from the Independent Catholic News 2008