Diarrhoea Outbreak: ADRA’s Response to the Western Part of Nepal
KATHMANDU, Nepal, 30 July 2009- The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Nepal is actively working to assist people affected by a diarrhoea outbreak in the Mid-Western Region of Nepal. ADRA Nepal is treating patients at mobile health camps, providing medicines and sanitation materials, and raising community awareness on water treatment and hygiene.

Since April 2009, about 200 people in mid-western Nepal have died due to a major diarrhoea outbreak. Remote, isolated communities in numerous areas are seriously impacted, with Jajarkot and Rukum districts the hardest hit. The main causes are lack of clean drinking water and poor sanitation and hygiene.
30 medical staff are treating patients with diarrhea and other illnesses at mobile health camps in remote areas of Jajarkot and Rukum districts. So far, more than 600 cases have already been treated. The health camps are part of the “Providing Emergency Reproductive Health Services to Conflict Affected and Vulnerable Populations in Mid Western Nepal” project, which is funded by ECHO and UNFPA.
ADRA Nepal camp personnel are equipped with antibiotics, oral rehydration solution (ORS), and other medicines to treat patients suffering from diarrhoea. To prevent further spread of this outbreak, ADRA Nepal will supply over 20,000 chorine tablets to improve drinking water, as well as raise awareness on hygiene and sanitation through health education. In addition, the medical staff are conducting surveillance and case reporting in coordination with WHO and government authorities.
ADRA Nepal has already contributed NRs. 40,000 in medicines to the Rukum District Health Office and NRs. 25,000 in medicines to Rolpa district. The medicines were distributed by local partner Safe Motherhood Network Federation (SMNF) and local health authorities. Funds came from the EC-supported “Working Together with Vulnerable Communities to Improve Reproductive Health Project” (VCP).
ADRA Nepal has received additional funds from the ADRA network to support an emergency project entitled “Medical Assistance to Prevent Diarrhea in Mid-Western N

epal.” The main goal is to provide essential medicine and sanitation supplies to 3,500 people in diarrhea-affected areas in Rukum and Rolpa districts. ADRA Nepal and SMNF staff will conduct home visits to teach diarrhea prevention and detection, household treatment through ORS demonstration and distribution, preparation of safe drinking water, hand washing, and referral of severe cases to health facilities.
In mid-August, another medical team will start mobile health camps in Kalikot and Achham districts, which are also affected by the outbreak. These activities are part of the ECHO-funded “Delivering Reproductive Health (RH) Services through Outreach Medical Clinics to Remote, Vulnerable, and Conflict Affected Populations of Nepal” project.
Please visit our website for additional information at www.adranepal.org and/or contact Netra Prasad Bhatta at netra.bhatta@adranepal.org for more information.