Morning Star is launching a new project to train nurses

Morning Star Children’s Charity Nepal is launching a project this month to Train  Nurses in Nepal and buy a mobile ambulance, and is this years focus of the Diocese of Norwich Lent project. 
Wendy who runs Morning Star Children’s Charity Nepal, a home for 49 orphaned or destitute children in Kathmandu is thrilled that the Diocese have chosen this project to focus on.
Morning Star Children's Charity has experience in supporting and training Nurses, and our specific desire is to enable more young girls to train as nurses and to improve the conditions of the poor, and help the lives of destitute children.
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, and unlike the UK which has a National Health Service; Nepal does not have a national health service. This means that access to hospitals, doctors and nurses is denied to many poor people, and with only one nurse for every 10,000 people health-care is very limited.
Lent is a very important time for many Christians covering six weeks or 40 days in preparation for Easter.  Lent can be a time of giving up some of our comforts, in  doing this it can help us to focus on how much Jesus gave up for us.
Give it up for Lent. Our Nurses project is the hope that people will give up something and put the money saved towards the Training Nurses in Nepal. 
Please have a look at our web site www.mscc-nepal/giveitupforlent or the Norwich Diocese web site and go into Lent project. There are loads of ideas and recourses to help you get involved, so do look   around and be sure to come back to our web site regularly as over the coming weeks we will be adding more content, videos, and blogs.  
So why not give it up for lent and help us train nurses in Nepal.
If you would like Wendy to visit your church or group or for more information  please go to the contact page on our web site. Or phone her on 01493 667989