Health Screening in the Yarmouth Market Place

by Izabela Clary
Photos supplied by Roger Hill

On Sunday the 18th of September, the health team from the Great Yarmouth Seventh-day Adventist church carried out a health scHEALTH SCREENING 017reening session at the local shopping mall. This was not the first endeavour of this type that the team has undertaken. This time over 160 people were screened. The tests included Body Mass Index, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure and Carbon Monoxide. The Health Advisor was offering consultation regarding any health and lifestyle related concerns. There was also a stand with health magazines and booklets, to which the public could help themselves.
One service user was diagnosed with very high blood pressure which he was unaware of. Without this test,  the problem could have gone undetected resulting in possible serious implications. Consequently, the health advisor wrote a GP referral letter and the gentleman said he would make an appointment as soon as possible.
Several other people were referred to the GP after taking the tests and receiving advice. The advice included quitting smoking, managing their weight, cholesterol and sugar levels, and undertaking further tests, like kidney function and diabetes checks.
Most people that were screened filled in evaluHEALTH SCREENING 002 WEBation forms and the comments were very positive, including ‘excellent throughout’, ‘keep up the good work’ and ‘excellent system’. One person commented that the screening was a very good idea as it raised the health awareness in the community. Another person commented that there was a need for further events like this in the future.
Please pray for the people who had their health checks done on Sunday, that the Lord will help them with their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Please pray also for the Great Yarmouth Seventh-day Adventist  Church and our futurHEALTH SCREENING 004 WEBe health programmes.