Great Yarmouth Foodbanks in urgent need of help

Great Yarmouth foodbanks were particularly busy in August and have run out of food, and are expecting to continue to be busy: and have had to ration what it gives out to people. They are appealing for more donations from the public
The foodbank at the Salvation Army in particular has been busy recently, and they are expecting an increased demand during the summer as Great Yarmouth council, along with a handful of other councils in the country, has been selected to carry out a trial which will overhaul the way that benefits are given. This could result in increased hardship, and greater demand for the foodbank’s services
The foodbank’s aim is to provide short-term emergency food relief to people and families in crisis in the local area. They are seeking to collect food from the public at supermarkets, churches, local groups and schools, to be ‘banked’ in our centres
Most people who come to Foodbanks for emergency food are not homeless. They are families who have hit hard times, people who have been made redundant, become ill or are experiencing benefit delay: they are the UK’s hidden hungry. Great Yarmouth is among the worst 10% of all areas nationally for levels of deprivation
Recipients of help from the foodbank have said :
’I was desperate for help and the food parcel made a massive difference’
‘I had lost my job and I have 5 children to feed and no money till the benefits get sorted – this was a real helping hand’
If anyone can help provide food for needy people like these it would be very much appreciated. You can drop off food items at:
Salvation Army Citadel
Tolhouse Street
Great Yarmouth
NR30 2SQ
The car park on Mondays or Thursdays 9am – 2pm
Gorleston Baptist Church
Lowestoft Road
Great Yarmouth
NR31 6LY
The Bridge on Tuesdays 10.30am - 2pm
St Mary Magdalene Church
Magdalen Square
Great Yarmouth
NR31 7BZ
also, click here to see the initiative relating to Harbour Radio, making giving food even easier
or phone :
Trish Slade – 07901898438 Gorleston Baptist Church, Gorleston
Alan Smith – 01493 858069 Salvation Army Great Yarmouth
Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Great Yarmouth or surrounding district?
If so, email judith.edmonds@ntlworld.com with details and, if possible, a suitable picture