YFC football mission to visit Yarmouth schools

Youth For Christ’s touring mission team, Nomad, will be returning to Great Yarmouth schools next week with a football cage to deliver lessons to students on self-worth, team work, living life to the full and respect, using football to make the lessons relevant to the young people. Tony Rothe reports
Nomad is a high energy touring team focused on using a dynamic blend of cage football and relational youth work in order to engage with young people. They operate under the YFC One banner and travel the country taking a metal football cage to schools, communities, churches and the streets of Britain. Whilst coaching and running 2v2 football, the team interact with young people in and around the cage. Nomad will teach PE lessons, lead assemblies and run youth sessions
Nomad aims to deliver mission through a completely new sporting approach. Spending some of the year in a local area and some touring from city to city, Nomad use their combined sports skills and equipment to take Good News to the courts, pitches and streets of Great Britain and wider
Delivering football in a cage, the Nomad team take sport to the streets of Great Britain, revolutionising the way church meets with young people in their territory
The Dutch style ‘panna’ football utilised by Nomad is a highly effective, versatile tool for sports ministry. The 2 metre high steel cage allows the team to connect with young people in a variety of settings whilst remaining relevant
Cage football is different to normal 11-a-side or 5-a-side football; it requires a range of skills but our FA trained coaches will help your young people to develop, whatever standard they may be. Wherever the cage is set up it creates interest, curiosity and excitement. Young and old alike want to see what the cage is about and it always draws a crowd!
The team will be visiting schools in the Great Yarmouth area from November 7 to 11
Visit https://yfc.uk/project/nomad/
This is one of many activities and events organised by the Unite team at Yarmouth Youth For Christ
For more information, email: office@enyfc.co.uk
this article has also appeared on Network East Norfolk
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