Massacre of the innocents

PETER GRAY-READ23rd May 2017

Peter Gray-Read


Massacre of the innocents

According to the Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP on Breakfast TV in the aftermath of the ‘massacre of the innocents’ in Manchester… ‘our liberal values will defeat this…’ 

I must take issue with this… Proverbs 14:34 (NKJV) says "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people"

I believe our true Christian values are seen in our compassionate response to these tragic events, but it is our ‘liberal values’ which have brought us to the place where we are more spiritually exposed to these attacks

The fanatical ISIS agenda is a spiritual ideology and can only be overcome by a stronger belief system.  Christianity itself has been guilty of extremist actions in the past but, when lived out as Jesus demonstrated; it is the power of a loving God to overcome evil

People are free to choose but we must STOP treating Christianity as a poor relation to Islam and the ‘liberal agenda’.  Christians have been, and still are, the pillars of our nation and for those who love the truth – whether scientists or philosophers it shows Jesus as “the way, the truth and the life…”

Our prayers are with the families of those who ‘fell’ in Manchester and with those who believe that their god is honoured by these evil deeds 

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