Amazing love - more than just a Valentine
18th February 2019

Ruth Lilley explains that there is much more to love than the sentiments expressed on Valentine’s cards
As I sit here writing, it is Valentine’s Day. A day for some that will have an air of mystery. Will they get a card? Will they know who it is from? Will someone secretly declare their love?
Yet, there is a love that is so much more extravagant than the love that will be secretly or even openly declared this Valentine’s Day. A love that is also full of mystery
This love is different to the ‘love’ we see in the world around us. This love is kind, patient and gentle. This love says, “You first” and “that’s OK”. This love protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Along with all these things, comes the mystery. This love gave itself for us all. This love, given so outrageously, so we could be free. Again, the mystery – because we are loved so much, Jesus was willing to give His life. Jesus died, so we could walk in victory and know that we are forgiven and covered by grace. Why would this love give us so much? I believe it is because God is love and He wants us to know and feel His love
Valentine’s Day can induce a number of different feelings; we may struggle with seeing all the romance going on around us and feel very alone. We may not feel very loved. Yet, if we are able to lift our gaze and remind ourselves of this perfect love, to rise up in the strength of this extravagant love, then instead we can stand on something real and true. We can celebrate this love that we are shown by the One who holds us. We find safety and security in this love that never lets go, never gives up and is given to us without condition or expectation
When we choose to receive this generous, crazy, extravagant, "you first", kind of love, again there is even more mystery, for then it enables us to love others in this way. We begin to learn that really, it’s not about me – it is about them. As we choose to fix on this love, which is steadfast, it empowers us. We can then become the ones who are kind, patient and gentle. We can find the strength to say, “You first”, and “that’s OK”. We choose to protect, trust, hope and persevere
By choosing this love, each new day we can hope to tread better steps which demonstrate this amazingly, wonderful love
this article also appeared on Network Norfolk

Ruth Lilley is the family worker at Meadow Way Chapel in Hellesdon. She also enjoys writing, and writes a regular blog called ‘With Every Sun Comes A New Day’
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