Daily Share-a-Prayer w/e 25/08/2024

Derek Mill
Worship Leader, All Saints Church, Belton


Sunday 25th August

Lord Jesus, how easy it is to end up being rushed and flustered. How does this happen? From what I can tell You never rushed when You walked the earth. From what I can tell You were never flustered, no matter what, or who, confronted You
You said: "The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost". And also: "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many". And at another time: "I must proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent". And what was, is today, this 'Good News'?
In the synagogue in Nazareth, Your home town You said, reading from Isaiah: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour...”
Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." You were anointed for Your mission; perhaps this is why You never rushed and were never flustered. A 'round peg in a round hole!' The perfect fit for this world and what it needed
Just as there was a 'Jesus shaped hole' that only You could fill, there must be a 'Derek shaped hole' that only I can fill. You made me and placed me here, so You must want me here. I am here for a reason! How can I serve You best? By doing those things I do best, using the gifts You have given me for Your glory; never rushed and never flustered. Help me to serve You well
Songs for today:
I Have a Destiny 
Money Can't Buy
Thank You Lord


Saturday 24th August

Heavenly Father, a few days ago my plans were scuppered. The sun was shining and a chair in the garden beckoned. I am reading a book at the moment, so a Sabbath sitting in the sunshine reading seemed like a great way to relax and wind down, mixed in with some prayer and study
Then the clouds came over, the sky went black, and rain fell. My plans were changed, by the weather. Sitting inside reading just didn't have the same appeal. A little while later the rain stopped and the sun came out, but by then my enthusiasm had waned and my mind was on other things
Lord Jesus, I wonder if, on a much grander scale, if this is how the disciples felt? They had followed You for about three years and then came the crucifixion; they saw You hung on a cross, they saw You die, and buried in a tomb behind a large stone. Whatever they thought they were going to do, perhaps "overcome the world" their plans were scuppered. So they gave up. They gave up and hid in a room, then went back to fishing. But then the Son came up. Jesus rose from the dead!
Unlike me, their enthusiasm returned, and the mission was back on. As regards mission, help me to never lose my enthusiasm. Help me to get out there, not in my back garden, but on the streets, talking to people about You. The sky may be black and the rain may fall, but don't let that deter me. Don't let my plans be scuppered to talk to as many people as I can about Your love and the plans You have for us. Thank You
Songs for today:
God Does
Just Let Me Say
Ride the Storm
It's All In God's Hands


Friday 23rd August

Heavenly Father, help me to do what Jesus tells me to do each morning when I wake. He said, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well"
The 'but' follows on from Jesus talking about Your goodness: "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them"
Lord Jesus, how do I seek Your Kingdom? I suppose I do what I am doing now, and do every morning, meet with You in prayer. Before the business of the day sets in, and before I set off on the busyness of the day, doing those things I need to do, I meet with You; seeking Your Kingdom and Your righteousness
What does this mean? Your Kingdom is not of this world, so I am seeking to live a Heavenly existence; one where I live in Your presence. How does this happen? By welcoming You into my heart and into my life by Your Spirit. And throughout the day, not just in the morning, I seek Your Kingdom, Your Way, the Way of Jesus: God's righteousness revealed
Just as I am married to my wife, and don't make decisions without discussing them with her, so I am yoked with You, and don't make decisions without consulting You. In this Way I seek and find Your righteousness revealed
Help me to not do as the world dictates, to not react as the world reacts, or seek as the world seeks. Help me to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. Thank You
Songs for today:
Jesus God's Righteousness Revealed - This Kingdom
Faith Sees the Unseen
You Know I'm Weak 
One Day I Will Find You


Thursday 22nd August

Heavenly Father, I think I may have given the impression a few days ago that it is wrong to ask You for things for myself. I know this is not the case. If anything I should be asking for more!
I don't mean possessions or wealth, I already have more than enough, but I need You every day to supply strength, hope, joy, compassion, healing, love and so many other things. These things I cannot create for myself. I can work hard, train to be physically stronger, but I need Your strength to resist temptation
When I doubt I need You to bring hope, when everything seems hopeless. When I am sad, downcast, I need You to bring joy. When I am hard-hearted, I need You to change how I see the world and give me compassion for others. When I am unwell, even a cold, I need You to make me well again, to bring healing when I am sick or injured. And Lord, how I need Your love! Without Your love life is meaningless
Ecclesiastes writes at the start of his book: "Meaningless! Meaningless" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless". At the end of his book he writes: "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind"
Jesus tells us the most important commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength". Loving You and others, gives meaning to everything! Help me Lord to do this
Songs for today:
Heal Me Lord
Father, Stay with Me
God of Peace


Wednesday 21st August

Heavenly Father, some of my prayers include quite a lot of Scripture; some are almost all Scripture! Your Word is alive and active and I know You don't mind me quoting back to You what You have had written
I often go to the concordance on my phone to find the chapter and verse I want to quote, but I never just copy and paste it into my prayer; I always write it out, even if it is a long passage. This helps me to remember what You have said
I find I learn so much every day when we meet. I never think of this time as simply me talking to You. It is so often a conversation, with You talking to me as much as me to You. And a lot of what You say comes from the Bible, although sometimes I do believe I hear Your voice speaking to me directly
Sometimes I think I am writing a sermon or a Bible study, or that I am teaching, but really it is I who is being taught. "All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work"
Thank You for this reminder, that Your Word teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains me in righteousness, so that I can be equipped for every good work. Help me to listen well and to learn well.
Holy Spirit be my prompt so that when I need guidance, the right Word to say to someone, or even to myself, I will know what to do or say
Thank You wonderful, Merciful Saviour for Your ever-loving kindness. Every day I know I can rely on You, forever
Songs for today:
In Every Day, You Are Near
Wonderful, Merciful Saviour


Tuesday 20th August

Heavenly Father, You know that some days I wake and come to You, sometimes late, with nothing. Despite a long drive home after a weekend away, with plenty of time to think I guess, and a quiet evening after tidying up after the short break, I come to You with no clue as to what to pray about
So, I turn to my devotional and find this verse: "Even now" declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning". The prophet Joel continues speaking Your Word to him: "Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity"
I prayed over this in February. I looked at songs online and the first one that was there was called 'Revelation' about the return of Jesus. Are these two things linked? I think they are!
Thank You for Your provision and Your inspiration! We may well say, "It's never too late". But perhaps there comes a point where it is too late? "Even now..." is how Joel begins his Word from You. Not tomorrow, or next week, or next year, "Now!" Why, because tomorrow, next week or next year may be too late
About the end of the world Jesus said, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father". Rending garments is pointless; it is my heart You are interested in. I must give You my heart before it is too late! Thank You Jesus for making this possible
Songs for today:
My Heart Wants You
Rend Your Heart - Maria Gilpin
Rend Your Heart - JYM


Monday 19th August

Heavenly Father, having never even smoked a cigarette, or been an alcoholic, I was fascinated to listen to the testimony of Alice Cooper. I guess we've all heard the phrase "Sex and drugs and rock and roll" but very few live that life
Alice Cooper, born Vincent Damon Furnier, really lived that life and his survival is testimony to Your grace. He now knows Jesus, and freely admits that Jesus saved him. He could be dead, perhaps should be dead. He talks about others who also lived the "Sex and drugs and rock and roll" lifestyle, who became part of the "27 Club" all famous musicians, all dead at the age of twenty-seven: Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones, Jim Morrison of The Doors, Amy Winehouse, Robert Johnson, (an early blues singer,) Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and more. The actor James Dean 'missed out' on the club, as he died at 24; Prince too, 57, and Elvis Presley, 42
Lord Jesus, there so many who seek fame and fortune, and also many who just want to live an ordinary life, but in the end find they are unfulfilled, disillusioned; somehow life seems to be missing something, it is in so many ways, empty. There is a hole in their life
There was a hole in my life; a God-shaped hole, and only Jesus could fill it. This is what Alice Cooper found, but now he is a light for Jesus shining in a dark world. I may not have his stage, be famous or even well known, but help me to shine Your light in the dark world where I live. Shine, Jesus, shine
Testimony and songs for today:
Alice Cooper - testimony
Shine Jesus Shine
Love Songs from Heaven 
Into The Darkness / Come Lord Jesus Come
Light of the World - Tim Hughes
Light of the World - Lauren Daigle


all songs (usually with lyrics) and talks courtesy of YouTube



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