Reading the Bible in church

‘He read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which had been found in the temple of the Lord’ 2 Kings 23:2
A friend was unexpectedly asked to read at a service as someone was unwell. He was caught just as he came in the church! Most of us like to look over a reading first and find the meaning of the passage. Some Bible readings are challenging, with difficult names of places and people. If it makes you feel better, no-one else knows how to pronounce these either, because there is no one around from Bible times!
It is not nice to be given a reading at the last minute, but then not good for the minister to suddenly get let down. To tell you the truth I have never liked reading, as it makes me dreadfully nervous. I prefer to preach or lead than read
People worry about reading in church. Some of them would happily talk to a class of children or a boardroom, but there is something about church which is different. Perhaps we expect too much of ourselves. The best reading I ever heard in church was by a non-church goer. He did not know the reading, so he put a different emphasis on the passage. If you are reluctant, why not slip into church and give it a trial on a Saturday, when no-one is around?
Reading in church is a genuine ministry and is vital. It is important to give it our best try, as a way of learning about our faith. The Bible is meant to be heard as well as read
courtesy of Parish Life
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