Opportunities to work for YMCA Norfolk

Opportunities to work for YMCA Norfolk
YMCA Norfolk is currently advertising a number of vacancies across the county, including a Bid Writer and Fundraising Officer, a Kitchen Assistant, a Nursery Practitioner, Bank Nursery Workers and Bank Housing Workers
Bid Writer & Fundraising Officer
Pay: £15.70 per hour (£30,615.00 per annum)
Location: YMCA Norfolk Offices, Norwich, with an element of home working
Contract Type: Permanent
Hours per week: 37.5 hours
Kitchen Assistant
Pay: £11.65 per hour rising to £12.41 per hour from 1 April 2025
Location: YMCA Norfolk Catering working across William's Kitchen and Norwich Central Catering
Contract Type: Fixed Term until 30th September 2025
Hours per week: 12 hours per week
Nursery Practitioner (Level 3 Qualified)
Pay: £12.60 per hour £24,897.60 per annum
Location: Muddy Puddles Nursery
Contract Type: Permanent
Hours per week: 38 hours
Bank Opportunities
Bank Nursery Staff
Pay: £11.65 per hour + 12.07% holiday uplift
Location: Muddy Puddles Nursery, Norwich
Contract Type: Bank 'as and when'
Hours per week: Ad hoc shifts
Bank Housing Engagement Worker (Norwich)
Pay: £11.65 per hour + 12.07% holiday uplift
Location: Norwich
Contract Type: Bank 'as and when'
Hours per week: Ad hoc shifts
If you have any questions about any of our current vacancies, please get in touch via careers@ymcanorfolk.org
Job descriptions and application forms can be accessed via the links above, and should be returned to careers@ymcanorfolk.org