From the Rectory April 2025

Rev Canon Simon Ward
Team Rector, Great Yarmouth Team Ministry, and Rural Dean
There will probably not be many daffodils left come Easter Day this year. The first daffodils in the churchyard appeared at the end of February and they will have retreated into retirement by Holy Week. In a perfect world, I would magically control the daffodils and tell them to keep tightly buttoned up and prepare themselves for the big unveiling of golden splendour at the appropriate moment on Easter Day
In our churches by tradition, we keep flowers at bay during the season of Lent. Why? It is to help us prepare to celebrate the mystery of Easter by observing a time of reflective restraint which, when we emerge into the joy of Easter Day heightens the colourful outburst of joy with which we greet the resurrected Christ. I once had a colleague who did not agree with us banning flowers from church during the season of Lent because he felt that flowers bloom in the garden and speak of God‘s beauty at all times, so why ban them from church? He was quite right about God’s glory but we choose to suppress the colours during Lent and therefore heighten the vibrancy of resurrection. It is essentially a theatrical device, adding to the liturgical drama. The same principle applies to the music in church which is suppressed and slightly more sombre as Lent wears on and then breaks out in Easter joy. We have to experience the contrast of the low mood of Holy Week services and then we really appreciate the riot of joy at the end
There will be many ways to mark Easter in each of our churches. One service I especially commend is the East Vigil service held at the Minster on Easter Eve. The service begins quietly as we gather around a simple fire outside the South door; it is like a time of quiet preparation. Once the fire is kindled, it is blessed and from that fire the Easter candle is lit and carried into a dark gloomy church. It’s symbolizes the light breaking in the tomb. Gradually we add to the light bit by bit, before we finally get to the great proclamation that Christ is risen as bells ring and the organ sounds a joyful noise
Do come and join in and it will also be a wonderful occasion as new Christians are baptised and confirmed by Bishop Ian
We very much look forward to welcoming you at any of our services during Holy Week and Easter
Fr Simon
this article courtesy of Parish Life
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