Human MOT's at the Market Gates Shopping Centre
by Izabela Clarry
Members of the Great Yarmouth Seventh-day Adventist Church welcomed the New Year with a fourth health screening session. The s  creening took place on Sunday, the 17th of January in the Market Gates Shopping Centre.
This time about 110 people were screened. Tests included BMI, blood pressure, carbon monoxide, blood sugar and cholesterol. Thirty members of the public were referred to their GPs, having been diagnosed with serious health impairments, which would otherwise go undetected. Thirteen smokers who undertook the carbon monoxide test were happy to leave their addresses and be contacted with the information regarding Smoking Cessation Clinic. Conducting a Breathe Free programme is the next endeavour on the Great Yarmouth's Adventist list. The starting date for the clinic is the 16th of February 2010 and it will consist of nine sessions.
The screening has certainly built a lot of bridges. Evaluation forms were filled in and many positive comments were made, some of them included sentences like “excellent, continue with good work”; “great as it is so friendly”; “can’t be improved, very friendly and good staff.” Many people took Christian literature, which was available to them free of charge. A few spiritual conversations took place. The only area for improvement identified by the public was the need to have more events like this.
Please pray as we seek to serve our local community.
