Concerned about someone sleeping rough? 

street link 2014Thursday 27 November 2014

Local councils have been made aware of a number of rough-sleepers using church doorways as shelter, so would like to highlight the StreetLink scheme

If you're concerned about someone sleeping rough the scheme could help them connect to local support

What is StreetLink?

StreetLink is an England-wide phone-line, website and mobile app which enables the public to alert Local Authorities about people sleeping rough in their area. Launched in 2012, StreetLink has already helped members of the public connect thousands of people with the advice and support

StreetLink aims to offer the public a means to act when they see someone sleeping rough - and is the first step someone can take to ensure rough sleepers are connected to the local services and support available to them

How does it work?

StreetLink’s primary role is to offer members of the public a way to provide real time details about rough sleepers they see on the streets. Anyone concerned about an individual sleeping rough can contact StreetLink by calling 0300 500 0914, sending an alert or by using the mobile app (free to download from the iTunes and Google Play stores). Once a report about a rough sleeper is made, the information provided will be sent to the local authority or nominated homelessness agency

The person making the report will receive details of the action the local authority normally takes when they are told someone is sleeping rough. StreetLink will also contact the council within 10 working days to find out what has happened as a result of the alert and, if requested, provide the person who made the report with an update

What information do you need to pass on?

The more information is passed on, the better the chance of the rough sleeper being found. Anyone making a report is asked to provide the following information where possible:

  • A specific location for the individual sleeping rough. They can do this by using the map to pinpoint the exact location if reporting via the website or mobile app


  • A description of the location with as much detail as possible


  • Details of the times of day that the rough sleeper is usually in the location


  • Any information about the rough sleeper i.e. name, gender, age, ethnicity and if there are any specific issues the local authority should be aware of

reproduced from Church of England Diocese of Norwich website and used with permission