East Norfolk Youth for Christ getting excited

Taking the Good News relevantly to every young person in Norfolk
Registered Charity number 1118022
We are so excited to announce that The Sense touring band will be coming to Great Yarmouth for ONE NIGHT ONLY on Friday 8th December 2017. The band has been visiting the area regularly for the last 9 years and is a firm favourite with the young people of the town. The Sense is working together with street dancers Stance for the third consecutive year and the result is an amazing evening of live music and action. They are brilliant at engaging the young people in dance and music, whilst also sharing the gospel and providing the space and time for the young people to respond to Jesus invitation to know Him
Just over two years ago a young lad in Lynn Grove's Year 8 came to one of these gigs. He was so passionate about his friends sharing the experience that he approached his RE teacher and she arranged for the band to spend a whole week in the school taking lessons and assemblies and engaging with the pupils. If you know any young people or you have grandchildren, nieces, nephews in years 7-11 (high school age) get in touch for a wristband. The cost is a bargain at only £1.50
If you don't have any young people but would like to be involved we need the following help too please:
1 - beds for the team: if you have one or two beds for the nights of 7th and 8th December that would be really helpful. The team will need breakfast but will have other meals elsewhere
2 - food for the team of 10 at Friday lunchtime and in the evening. Either at your home or at a local church (whichever is easiest for you)
3 - pray-ers: either at your home or church or in a room at the venue between 7.30pm and 9.30pm on the 8th December please
Thank you, we're excited about what God is going to do!
More excitement: God has got a new home for us. We don't know where it is yet but He always provides more than we could ever hope or imagine so please would you pray with us as we look for new office and storage premises? We have had the privilege of renting Christchurch House (52 Deneside) from Christchurch Methodists for the last 8 years. However, sadly the church is facing financial pressures which can only be relieved by selling Christchurch House. Therefore, we will not have any office space or storage for all our technical equipment, resources, tents, and Newday camping equipment, etc. We are extremely grateful for the relationship we have enjoyed as tenants of our Christchurch family and will be very sad to be without this blessing, but we’re excited for yet another “new thing” the Lord is going to give us for this season. Let’s praise Him too for His provision in everything we’ve needed over the years. We would ideally like the two things in the same building but could manage if we had to have office space and storage separately. Please pray the God will provide the place He wants us to be and if you have any suggestions, please get in touch asap
Thank you
Lorraine, Ali, Nigel, Matt, and Richard
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