The Malaviya Twenty returns to port
4th April 2018
Rev Peter Paine reports
photos: Colin Wooden

The Malaviya Twenty was taken out into the Outer Harbour for a reason I do not know. While in there, the “Beast from the East” came and the ship and crew (along with members from Peel Port) had a horrendous time breaking line and not being able to get ashore
It was agreed that the vessel would be brought back into the safety of the river, but to put her on a “secure” berth. Our thanks go to Peel Ports for supplying some fuel for the vessel
The crew at this time are just about coping both mentality and physically. The crew have done nothing wrong and are on board because if they leave they could lose their wages they are owed
Companies are owed money when the vessel is sold and this is the main problem at this time
As Port Chaplain, all I want to see is for the crew to be paid and sent home. We are working with all parties to bring this to an end
please click here to view previous articles regarding this vessel:
If you would like to join our wonderful team of volunteers, please call or email:
Rev Peter Paine a at portchaplain@keme.co.uk or telephone 07788111823