Here in Great Yarmouth, the seafarers visiting the port are fortunate to have a Port Chaplain, Rev Peter Paine to help when times are hard away from home..But, what about the bigger picture? Work at sea is very precarious and with many dangers. These workers who supply our needs ashore deserve support when tragedy strikes and that is when SeafarerSupport comes in
A free confidential referral service for serving and former seafarers and their families in times of need
Who is SeafarerSupport for?
Working and former seafarers (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Merchant Navy and fishermen) and their families as well as people who work to improve the lives of seafarers and their families
How can seafaring charities help?
Sometimes we need a little help in steering a course through life’s problems. Seafarer Support will guide you and your family to some of the services available. This might include advice, or finding financial support, depending upon your circumstances
What happens when I contact SeafarerSupport?
· We aim to respond to all enquiries within one working day
· Our friendly staff will ask you a few questions about the help you are looking for
· We will work with you to see if there are suitable sources of help from seafaring charities, or elsewhere, to meet your
· If required we can arrange for a trained caseworker to visit in your home
These are some of the ways in which seafaring or other charities might be able to help:
We will put you in touch with an organisation that can advise on:
· Debt and money management
· Entitlement to state benefits
· Bringing up young families
· Residential or nursing care, sheltered and independent housing in a number of locations in the UK
Financial help
· Grants to help with everyday essentials such as furniture, cookers, washing machines etc
· Regular grants for those whose income and savings are below certain levels
· Grants towards the costs of raising children for those who have lost a parent or are experiencing hardship. These can
include day-to-day needs, disabilities, educational costs, or seaside holidays
· Help with the costs of disability aids and home adaptations
· Access to priority treatment for working and retired UK merchant seafarers and fishermen
Career development
· Grants and interest free loans for Merchant Navy career development
 When her husband died on active service in the Royal Navy, Rosemary Anderson was left to cope on a war widow’s pension. She was put in touch with the Sailors’ Families’ Society and she joined their Family Support Scheme. She now gets a monthly grant for basic essentials, a school clothing grant for her children and a Christmas grant. Mrs Anderson also benefited from a free week’s caravan holiday in the UK – which gave her family a much needed break.
 Robert Benson retired after twenty years as a fisherman and found he could not meet his modest living expenses on a basic state pension. He was put in touch with the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society and was eligible for their regular grants scheme. When he told them about his deteriorating health, which included heart problems and breathing difficulties, the charity paid for a reclining bed to help him sleep
Would you like to support this excellent work? Just click here to download a poster to display or here to download a flyer and raise awareness of this work
Seafarer Support is funded by the Maritime Charities Funding Group which consists of: Merchant Navy Welfare Board, Nautilus International, Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity, Seafarers UK, Seamen’s Hospital Society, Trinity House
It is managed by the Merchant Navy Welfare Board 30 Palmerston Road, Southampton SO14 1LL Registered Charity No. 212799 A Company Limited by Guarantee No. 453053