Act on Assisted Dying
The headlines have be  en captured recently by the confession of Ray Gosling, a freelance documentary-maker, to smothering to death his homosexual partner, who was suffering from AIDS. The confession was aired in a 12-minute documentary on death and dying, broadcast by BBC East Midlands on Monday, 15 February, at 7.30pm. Mr Gosling, 70 has since been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Although he is currently refusing to answer police questions about the identity of the person he killed, when and where, it is important to be aware that the case is likely to be used by pro-euthanasia lobby to continue to apply pressure for a change in the law on assisted suicide.
Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, is due to publish guidelines within the next few days. The guidelines will outline the circumstances in which he would or would not bring a prosecution against someone assisting in the suicide of another person, both within England and Wales and overseas. In effect, the guidelines will provide those who want to help others die with a “check-list” of how they can avoid prosecution whilst achieving their purposes.
Write to Keir Starmer
Please consider writing to Keir Starmer at the address below, encouraging him to uphold the law as it stands on Assisted Suicide and not to allow it to be weakened in any way.
Keir Starmer QC,
Director of Public Prosecutions,
50 Ludgate Hill, London
Write to BBC
Write to the BBC, asking why they did not report Mr Gosling's confession to the Police immediately, but rather waited two months before airing the programme. The documentary is the latest in a series of programming on the BBC showing bias towards the legalisation of Assisted Suicide. Please stand up for the many disabled people whose views on assisted dying appear to have been marginalised by the BBC coverage. The BBC has a duty to provide balanced coverage of such issues, and their failure to do so is critical on a matter of such significance as this.
Alternatively phone them on 03700 100 222 or write to BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Glasgow G2 3WT.
Early Day Motion on BBC Bias